How to Parry in Lies Of P

When done right, parrying is a defence move that can turn the tide of fight in your favour. In the dark and complicated world of Lies of P, parrying is not just a choice; it’s a must if you want to stay alive. Today, we’re going to talk about How to Parry in Lies of P.

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What is parrying?

In the simplest terms, parrying is a defensive maneuver used to deflect an enemy’s attack, leaving them open for a counterattack. It requires precise timing, anticipation, and knowledge of your enemy’s moves.

How to Parry in Lies of P

Step 1: Understanding the Timing

Parrying is all about timing. You need to press the parry button just as the enemy’s attack is about to hit you. Too early or too late, and you’ll take damage.

Step 2: Watch for Enemy Attack Patterns

Each enemy in Lies of P has a unique attack pattern. The key to successful parrying is learning these patterns and predicting when the enemy will strike. Watch your enemies closely, learn their moves, and anticipate their attacks.

Step 3: Press the Parry Button

Once you’ve got the timing down and you see an attack coming, it’s time to parry. Press the parry button at the right moment to deflect the enemy’s attack and leave them open for a counterstrike.

Step 4: Follow up with a Counterattack

After a successful parry, your enemy will be momentarily stunned. This is your chance to strike back. Use this opportunity to unleash a powerful counterattack and deal significant damage to your foe.

Tips for Successful Parrying

  • Stay Patient: Parrying requires patience. Don’t rush and try to parry every attack. Instead, wait for the right moment and strike when the time is right.
  • Practise with Different Enemies: Different enemies have different attack patterns. Practise parrying with a variety of enemies to get a feel for different attack timings.
  • Don’t Rely Solely on Parrying: While parrying is a powerful tool, it shouldn’t be your only defence. Use dodging and blocking in conjunction with parrying to keep your enemies on their toes.

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