What are Base Rewards in Fortnite

If you are a Fortnite enthusiast, you’ve probably come across the term “base rewards” and wondered what exactly they are and how to claim them. This blog post will delve into the depths of Fortnite’s reward system and shed light on these elusive base rewards.

What Are Base Rewards?

In the world of Fortnite, rewards come in different forms, and base rewards are one of them. These are essentially rewards that aren’t immediately available as soon as you unlock a new rewards page. For instance, when you get to page 6 of the awards in Battle Pass, not all rewards will be accessible right away. Some will require further action or achievement to unlock.

Moreover, base rewards are not confined to the Fortnite Battle Royale mode. They also exist in the Fortnite Save the World mode, where players receive base rewards for completing missions and tasks. The beauty of some of these rewards is that they can be used in Battle Royale mode, adding an extra layer of incentive to complete missions in Save the World mode.

How do base rewards work?

Understanding how base rewards work can enhance your Fortnite experience and help you strategize your gameplay. In essence, the prerequisite tag on some of the rewards means that you must first claim all other rewards on a particular page to claim this reward. This system encourages players to complete all the tasks on the page and adds a sense of accomplishment when finally claiming the base reward.

Claiming Base Rewards in Fortnite

Now that you understand what base rewards are and how they work, the next crucial question is: how do you claim them? The process is pretty straightforward. In Fortnite Battle Royale, base rewards are tied to the Battle Pass system. As you progress through the levels and pages of the Battle Pass, you’ll unlock various rewards, but some will have the “Requires Base Reward” tag.

To claim these, you’ll need to first claim all the other rewards on that particular page. Once you’ve done this, the base reward will become available for you to claim. It’s important to note that each Battle Pass season may have different base rewards, so it’s always exciting to see what each new season brings!

In Fortnite Save the World, base rewards are received upon completion of missions and tasks. Just like in Battle Royale, some of these rewards can be used across modes, providing a nice bonus for those who enjoy both aspects of the game.


Understanding and effectively utilizing base rewards can significantly enhance your Fortnite gaming experience. Not only do they offer an extra layer of incentive to complete tasks and missions, but they also provide some cool rewards that can be used in both Battle Royale and Save the World modes. So, the next time you fire up Fortnite, remember to keep an eye out for those base rewards and claim them all!

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